Sean Penn files 10 million dollar lawsuit

Hi it your Girl JA Nursing here, with  Empire about to kick off Lee Daniels finds himself in  some legal woes as he speaks to the swirling information about Terrance Howard and his abuse allegations.

 According to this site  Defamer listed is some of the allegations agaist Howard
 2010 - 2011
The allegation: Howard married his second wife, Michelle Ghent, on January 20, 2010. It took less than a week for the alleged violence to begin. Ghent filed for divorce in January 2011, and the divorce papers detail a gruesome year: a slug in the face a week into the marriage, a beating and near-toss off a balcony in South Africa in July, and threats with a butcher knife in the week prior to her filing for divorce. The abuse apparently continued as Howard and Ghent tried to reconcile.
Howard's defense: Howard alleges that it was Ghent who was violent towards him, the judge granted Ghent a restraining order against Howard in December of 2011.

The allegation: On May 6, 2012 Howard's on again-off again girlfriend/mistress May Seng Yang alleged that during an argument at Howard's Pennsylvania home, Howard attacked her while his current girlfriend, Erica Jiles looked on. Yang "told Whitemarsh police that Howard had choked her, thrown her to the ground and punched her in the eye, then told his girlfriend, 'Fuck this, I’m going to jail for this tonight.' In a handwritten statement to police, Yang wrote that during their argument she told Howard that he had given her herpes and says he acknowledged doing so."
Howard's defense: Howard filed assault charges against Yang for punching him during the melee, and both parties dropped criminal charges and settled in a private civil suit.

The allegation: Howard and Ghent recently took another shot at a reconciliation, taking a trip to Costa Rica together August of 2013. Ghent alleges that Howard punched her in the face, after she told him she didn't think a reconciliation was going to work out, forcing her to pepper spray him in self defense. The photos are damning. A judge has granted Ghent a temporary restraining order.
Howard's defense: At the premiere of Lee Daniels' The Butler, Howard told Entertainment Tonight's Nancy O'Dell that he wanted to "set the record straight":

 Sean Penn, who was once arrested for brutally assaulting Madonna, says he's nowhere near as bad as Terrence Howard.

Now as the the stones are thorn, memories that  Penn was extremely violent toward his ex-wife Madonna when the two were married in the 1980s. Once, in June 1987, he allegedly caused the pop superstar to be hospitalized after hitting her across the head with a baseball bat. But Madonna, who remained protective of her husband, refused to press charges since Penn was already facing 60 days in jail for assaulting a film extra.
Things got even uglier on December 28, 1989. According to a police report filed by Madonna, Penn scaled their Malibu home that afternoon, found Madonna alone in her bedroom, and told her that he owned her “lock, stock, and barrel.
With stomes being thorn as Empire creator made spoke to a  Hollywood Reporter.  Daniels was commenting on Empire star Terrence Howard's history of domestic abuse when he compared him to Penn.
"[Terrence] ain't done nothing different than Marlon Brando or Sean Penn, and all of a sudden he's some f*ckin' demon," says Daniels. "That's a sign of the time, of race, of where we are right now in America."     My Mother always said words are wind and Blows are unkind but this time around as Sean Penn slaps a 10 million dollar lawsuit agaisnt Lee Damiels, I would say that the blow is equal.

Representatives for Penn have shared his complaint with Mashable. Here's the opening paragraph:
"This action arises from reckless, false, and defamatory statements made by Defendant Lee Daniels ("Daniels") about one of this generation's most highly-acclaimed and greatest artists and humanitarians, Sean Penn. As a result of Penn's status as a public figure, he has for years been the subject of scandalous, scurrilous, and baseless attacks. But Penn, like any citizen, has a right to defend himself and will no longer tolerate the reckless and malicious behavior of others, who seek to aggrandize themselves or their projects at his expense. Accordingly, and because of Daniels' defamatory statements, Penn brings this action for monetary relief, and to deter Daniels and others from their defamatory actions."

The complaint goes on to say that "Daniels falsely equates Penn with Howard, even though, while he has certainly had several brushes with the law, Penn (unlike Howard) has never been arrested, much less convicted, for domestic violence, as his ex-wives (including Madonna) would confirm and attest."
It also states that Howard has "reportedly been arrested approximately five times for violent acts against women."
Additionally, the complaint gives background on Penn, calling him "an American icon" whose career "has spanned over three decades and includes five Academy Award nominations and two Academy Awards for Best Actor."

Representatives for Daniels have not yet responded to Mashable's request for comment.

My concern here is that we are completely over looking the facts of the matter WOMEN ABUSE is not tolerated period.  according to  Battered Women's Support Services
Violence Against Women is the most pressing issue throughout the world:
  • Globally the most common form of violence experienced by women is physical violence inflicted by an intimate partner[2]. One in three women have been abused or subjected to gender-based violence in their lives[3].
  • In Australia, Canada, Israel, South Africa and the United States, between 40 and 70 percent of female murder victims were killed by their intimate partners[4].
  • Up to 70 percent of women experience physical or sexual violence from men in their lifetime — the majority by husbands, intimate partners or someone they know[5].
  • Both intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women are major public health problems and violations of women’s human rights[6].
  • Worldwide, up to 50 percent of sexual assaults are committed against girls under 16.
  • As many as 1 in 4 women experience physical and/or sexual violence during pregnancy which increases the likelihood of having a miscarriage, still birth and abortion[7].
  • Every year 5,000 women are murdered by their relatives to protect the “honour” of the family[8].
  • Women and girls are still being forced into marriages against their will, particularly in Asia, the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa. Over 60 million girls worldwide married before the age of 18 primarily in South Asia (31.3 million) and sub-Saharan Africa (14.1 million).
  • Women who are beaten by their partners are 48 per cent more likely to be infected with HIV/AIDS[9].
  • 2.5 million people are trafficked annually into situations including prostitution, forced labour, slavery or servitude. Women and girls account for about 80 per cent of the detected victims[10].
You don’t have to be a math expert to understand these numbers relating to violence against women. Numbers are people[11]. You simply have to be willing to recognize that each statistic represents a woman, child, or family — a life — torn apart by violence and abuse.

Is Violence Against Women Still A Serious Problem in Canada?

“Violence against women and girls continues unabated in every continent, country and culture. It takes a devastating toll on women’s lives, on their families and on society as a whole. Most societies prohibit such violence – yet the reality is that too often, it is covered up. Let's continue to be aware of this growing situation. if you are a women  suffering from abuse be brave and leave. Call 911 if you know someone in a abusive situation.

This has been your Social buzz with your health and social advocate if you or someone you know is facing abuse. we can help  Advocacy is the heart and soul of Nursing.  Contact Us If you have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments.

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