Put Your Hands On Me!

  1. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, commonly known asCPR, is an emergency procedure performed in an effort to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person who is in cardiac arrest.

I remember starting nursing school and thinking to myself what would I do if I saw a stranger choking, or not breathing? I always had this vision that it would be an untidy person off the street. I prayed because  I though to myself what would I really do. After all I Am a nurse, Right?  will back then the story was drop stop and blow in to the persons mouth "Mouth2Mouth"  sounds good if you know the person. But what if you don't?

The only place mouth to mouth was performed was in hospital.
But that has all changed.  With infection control policies increasing and considerations for the safety of health professionals the rules have changed.
More importantly the Rules have changed for you Too.

Even with the knowledge learned
It's  been sited through A Heart and Stroke Foundation survey  that only 40% of Canadians trained in CPR would try to revive someone who has had a cardiac arrest. I'm Guilty, but thankfully I have never encountered  this situation out of hospital. 

Having experienced many Code Blues working the halls of many Hospitals the story is different when you find your patient not breathing. You press a button get a crash cart and a team of people included a Respiratory therapist that takes over the act of mouth breathing with a artificial gadget used to blow air into a persons mouth honoring the system of CPR that includes AiRWAY.

This blog today is for you and your family to feel comfortable in knowing that you can be a great part of helping your love  ones. The goal is to change your mind. NO more wondering about what you Would do if you found someone not breathing.  "Put your Hands On me will be the answer to that question.

With Hands only you too can feel confident that you will make a difference in saving a life too.

But for many that thought is quite disturbing.  I used to pray that no one would drop leaving me with the decision of having to exercise mouth to mouth.

Let's say thank you to research, this new discovery has made it possible for more lives to be saved. Now you can feel comfortable knowing that you will be able to help save a live.

Let's look at the theory for a Minute. The idea of mouth to mouth  is  to increase the  oxygen  in  the the blood flow which decreases  the chances of complete brain death  and complete death.  but now it has been determined that simply pumping on ones's chest will equally produce the same effects.

Hands-Only CPR is CPR without mouth-to-mouth breaths.
It is recommended for use by people who see a teen or adult suddenly collapse in an “out-of-hospital” setting (such as at home, at work or in a park).

 It consists of two easy steps:
Call 9-1-1 (or send someone to do that).
Push hard and fast in the center of the chest.

When you call 911, you need to stay on the phone until the 911 dispatcher (operator) tells you to hang up. 

The dispatcher will ask you about the emergency. They will also ask for details like your location. It is important to be specific, especially if you’re calling from a mobile phone as that is not associated with a fixed location or address. Remember that answering the dispatcher’s questions will not delay the arrival of help.

Watch the video on how to help someone stay Alive 

I recommended that everyone learn CPR.
Research has shown that hands only CPR will do a lot in saving lives.
The issue is that with prolonged chest compressions you can save someone from having extensive brain damage and die.
The blood has enough oxygen to supply oxygen to the brain.

Overall, the odds of surviving a cardiac arrest are almost four times greater if someone performs CPR right away.

Again here's the 
Easy-to-follow steps: Hands-Only* CPR
If you witness someone having a cardiac arrest:

Push hard and fast in the centre of the chest (start CPR)
Don’t hesitate. Keep pushing until the person starts to breathe or move or someone with more advanced medical training takes over.

I applaud the HSF for partnering with BMW to provide this training to you.

If you are a health care worker you are still responsible for taking the CPR cource outlined by your organization's policy this is not a replacement but what this is, is an opportunity for our lay people to have better knowledge of how to safe someone's live through simple steps.

@TheHSF: Our last FREE #CPR training at @MBToronto is in #Etobicoke November 9. Visit http://t.co/qXUiy2jet6 today to register


This is watching out for your health with your HealthCare and Social  Advocate Michelle Smith for more information on your Concerns and questions please feel free to add a contact request on this blog  
Twitter JANursing 
My goal is to teach You 



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